Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

April 03, 2012

Tuesday's Tips

Spring cleaning has left me with alot of baby clothing that the girls can no longer use. I don't know of any one that is having a baby girl to pass them on to. So I have come up with a couple of ideas that allow me to teach the girls about recycling and re-using things instead of throwing them out.
The first one is to use the clothing for dolls. 
Lucky for me I have 3 girls and LOTS of dolls they can dress up.
Try sewing some blanket's together to make a big blanket you don't have to worry if it gets ruined. 
These are my favourite! The twins wore them on their first birthday and it killed me to give them up. 
First I turned the shirt inside out and sewed along the bottom.
Then I sewed up the sleeves, stuffed them and sewed up the collar.
 As soon as Cesina saw them, she wanted all her t-shirts were to become pillows.
Seeing as there is no room for so many pillows, I decided a manicure would make her just as happy.
She came up with the rainbow nails and different stickers idea. The stickers can be found at dollar stores but make sure you use a clear coat because they tend to come off really easily if you don't top coat them.
The Halloween costumes also came out as the Spring closet cleaning continued and I was surprised that a size 7-8 fit the twins so well and they are a size 2T.

How perfect...a LPS bunny costume.I think I will have Cesina wear this as she hunts down the Easter baskets.
These are the tips I found online to deter snakes from your yard; 
  • Remove vegetation from your home
  • Kill any rodents you find outside of your home 
  • Place a mothball and water mixture in coffee cans and poke holes in the top of the cans. Then set the cans out to deter the snakes.
  • Seal any cracks around your home. Rattlesnakes tend to search for cooler, damper areas 
  • during the summer so it is advisable to cover existing crevices around garage doors or 
  • beneath basements to prevent them from entering these areas. 
  • Water or swimming pool pumps should be properly covered as well. 
  • Moist places in your yard, such as water fountains in your garden or any existing ponds, are ideal places for rattlesnakes
  • Eliminate rattlesnake homes and nesting-sites.  Which includes such things as wood piles, rock piles, garbage piles, long grass, brush, undergrowth, piles of building materials, animal burrows, etc. 
  • Think about the places that would be cozy for a snake to move into and remove them. 
  • But be careful when you remove them! There may already be a rattlesnake in residence.
I thought I might add praying to the list because I can not control the rodents, or do anything about the tall grasses around the property. The moth balls might not be a good idea until the twins are older. best option!

With Easter on our doorstep, I wanted to share these amazing free printables and ideas  I found.

Just love this!!!
 Plant jellybeans that turn into lollipops by  Beauty and Bedlam
Wanessa Carolina Creations has a tutorial on how to make this beautiful Easter garland.
As well as offering a free a complete Easter party printable kit!
Flamingo Toes  has created this cute peeps printable.
Jinjerup has this ADORABLE owl basket and bookmarks free printable.
Happy Tuesday Tips
Hoppy blogging !

March 09, 2011

Easter Inspirations and history

Spring please hurry up!!!...I am so tired of looking at snow and being accosted by freezing cold temperatures when I step foot outside my door....enough already I say!

Give me flowers!

Bright sunny days!

Yummy treats!

Bring on Easter!

The History of Easter

While everyone knows that Easter brings out a festive mix of brightly decorated eggs, adorable bunnies, and cute baskets in spring, Easter is also a combination of important events in different traditions.
In Christianity, Easter is preceded by Holy Week. This week includes Maundy Thursday, which commemorates Jesus' last supper with his disciples; and Good Friday, which remembers the day of his death. These somber days are then followed by Easter Sunday to celebrate the day that Jesus rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion.
Easter is also related to the Jewish holiday of Passover, a period that remembers Israelites' freedom from slavery in ancient Egypt. This is observed during Nisan, the first month of the Hebrew lunar year – which also happens to be between March and April.
Also according to St. Bede, an English historian, the term "Easter" is derived from the Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility, whose name is Eostre. Pagans had festivals in her honor during the spring equinox, when daytime is equal to night time.
So where did the Easter bunny and eggs come from?
European pagan religion incorporated rabbits and hares in their celebration as a symbol of fertility. In Germany, pagans even named their hare "Oschter Haws" and early settlers introduced him to America during the 1700's. In their stories, Oschter Haws left eggs the night before Easter for the children to hunt and find on Easter morning – some children would even build "nests" for these anticipated eggs in baskets and bonnets.
Meanwhile, eggs were used to represent resurrection – a celebration of new life in Christianity. Likewise, many other ancient civilizations from India to Greece have used the egg to emphasize the significance of life. While the origin of coloring eggs is unknown, some reports date it back as far as 2,500 years ago where Zoroastrians painted eggs for a New Year celebration. Today, for varying reasons, beliefs, or for just plain fun, people from different cultures all over the world dye eggs and present them as gifts or as little treasures around Easter time.

-Courtesy of: Disney Family Fun

March 01, 2011

Happy March first...19 days till Spring!

Had I not spoken to my friend Penny...I would never have known it is March first. Days bleed into each other with few hours of sleep here and there so it's all pretty much one big blur.
This morning as I reached for my creamer with my eyes burning from the light because I didn't get much sleep..SHOCKER! be accosted by a horrible smell in my fridge....
Looky Looky!
Donato put a Spanish onion in a flimsy sandwich bag to stink up my fridge. After 6 years of marriage and close to a decade of being together...he still does this "to keep me on my toes"..grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat eh?! ..just add cleaning the fridge to my March 1st adventure...
So I put the onion away properly and stuck that bad boy back in the fridge in hopes that he notices the way it is now packaged.

In the flimsy bag , inside a plastic container with an airtight lid!

Once the coffee kicked in I decided to celebrate this March 1st by making a new centerpiece.

Peeps to my peeps!

I filled a vase with on layer of Easter grass, then added a layer of jellybeans and peeps.

I placed the peeps in a circle, facing the outside of the vase.No need to even peel the peeps apart because you can line them up as shown.

I filled the center with more Easter grass and an egg candle on top.

While I was making this centerpiece I see this outta the corner of my eye

So cute!

Think they were toasting...
 my cake...jejejeje

Last week Donato requested a golden cake , course you know it was right after I made a cherry chip one...literally

So with an ode to spring theme in is Donato's golden cake.
I dyed the some shredded coconut to look like grass and added to chick peeps on top.

I wish Cesina didn't eat all the mini eggs...they 'd be perfect on top...note to self...time to hide secret stash of for me and one for decorating with the rest going into the stash for me pile.

Happy March 1st!!!

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