Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts

June 30, 2011

My time telling flowers

School aka the petrie dish is finally done!....hurray for no more living on gravol. My poor husband got the tail-end of the stomach bug and quite bad too. I (touch wood) have been sans sickness for a couple of weeks and have been enjoying the beautiful weather!. Here is what I have been up to in pictures, it might be the first day of Cesina's summer vacation but she got up at 3am so my mind is still sleeping.

My gardens always have something in bloom and they tell me what part of the season we are in . Much like if I see a program on tv, I can tell you what time of day it is. Even bugs that accost me outdoors tell me how far into the season we are. Who even needs a watch or calendars when you got nature?
Right now it's black flies, mosquitoes with deer and horse flies becoming more aggressive. Early Summer it's ants, flies , spiders with the deer and horse flies not bothering you to much. Mostly because they were getting caught in the massive spider webs. Loving that food chain!
Tomorrow is Canada day and my lilies, shasta daises and delphiniums are in bloom. Every year before we go to the Canada Day parade I take a picture of Cesina standing in front of the tiger lilies and I know that Summer is in full swing.
Today is decorating the gazebo on the pool deck, washing the patio chairs and removing invasive plants that to close to the septic tile bed. Good thing I cut and raked the grass yesterday because I want to enjoy the pool sometime today.
                      I hope you enjoy your day!
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