Showing posts with label New Years Eve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Years Eve. Show all posts

January 01, 2020

Welcoming the new Decade

Just like that a decade came and went in what seems to be a blink of an eye. Is it me or is time speeding up?.
Well either way, Hello and Welcome 2020!
A new decade to enjoy and savor.
To seize the day and hours, bending time to our will.
Looking at the journey ahead, planning the best route to get there.
Knowing that the destination will be reached
with each step taken.
Setting ourselves up to soar
above the petty nonsense.
To roll on by the difficulties
and focus on enjoying the harvest.
The bounties of abundance 
above us,
and right under our noses.
Taking that day off to go to the beach.
Watching the sunset,
 and studying cloud formations.
Looking up to the sky, only to find it's looking down on you.
Always speaking to you of what's to come.
Preparing you,
lighting your way
through the cold and dark
days of the winter solstice.
Finding warmth in large coffee cups and study notes.
Being dazzled by the sunsets
 and sunrises.
Enjoying the holiday
traditions and 
nuestra comida.
Visiting the greenhouses
and drinking in the colorful beauty
of these displays.
 Feeling the holiday majic in the air.
Being reminded to hold our head up high.
 Confronting whatever comes our way with dignity.
 Never forgetting that you are stronger than whatever obstacles appear before you.

This is the last sunset of 2019.
Gratefully the last ice storm too,
but certainly not the last of the neverending synchronistic moments,
that spice up the day with mystery.
Reminding you of how much more to life there is.
Places, people and things to inspire and humble you.
That will fill your heart with gratitude,
and make you stop for a moment.
Being here and now,
enjoying this decade before another one goes flying by.

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