April 16, 2013

The Christian Parenting Handbook Book Review

Adventures at Greenacre is thrilled to be part of the book launching team for 
The Christian Parenting Handbook and received an advanced free copy from 
The National Center for Biblical Parenting  for review.
 The opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services believe will be good for my readers.

Written by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller RN, BSN.
TCPH is a resourceful book for parents with children at any age.
 Filled with wonderful biblical references to help Christian parents through the difficulties of the child rearing. Teaching them how to use sorrow instead of anger in the discipline process and demonstrating how the heart-based approach focuses on the long term. Helping parents target specific heart qualities and change any negative patterns their children have developed.

The Christian Parenting Handbook has 50 Biblical pearls of wisdom to help any parent 
train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
-Proverbs 22:6

Make sure to buy The Christian Parenting Handbook during the launch week of April 29 and May 5 and get a package of free resources valued at more than $400.00.  

Here’s what the package includes:
• The Christian Parenting Handbook electronic versions for iPad, Kindle, Nook or any mobile device ($29.97)
• Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, in You and Your Kids Lesson #1Complete Package including Lesson 1 on Video, MP3, Study Guide, and Children's Lesson. ($59.95)
• Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, in You and Your Kids Lesson #2Complete Package including Lesson 2 on Video, MP3, Study Guide, and Children's Lesson. ($59.95)
• Teach Kids to Listen and Follow Instructions on Video, Workbook, MP3, Study Guide, and Children's Lesson. ($59.95)
• Correction Ideas that Touch the Heart on Video, Workbook, MP3, Study Guide, and Children's Lesson. ($59.95)
• Addressing Bad Attitudes in Kids on Video, Workbook, MP3, Study Guide, and Children’s Lesson. ($59.95)
• Everyday Parents CAN Raise Extraordinary Kids Session #1 on Video, MP3, Study Guide, and Children's Lesson. ($59.95)
• How to Use The Christian Parenting Handbook 30-minute Video ($24.95)
That’s $414.62 of biblical parenting resources for FREE.
In addition, you can get The Christian Parenting Handbook Companion Guide (This is a workbook with audio clips that will help you apply the material in The Christian Parenting Handbook.) for free if you purchase 5 copies or more of the book. Simply make your purchase from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, BAM (Books A Million), CBD or Parable
To  claim your premium, simply forward your purchase confirmation to Gift@biblicalparenting.org and they will  will send you your special product code for the $400.00 package.

 The Center for Biblical Parenting is giving away some really wonderful prizes to celebrate the launch. 
Go to http://www.biblicalparenting.org for more information. 
Join the Twitter party on Wednesday, May 1 2013
at 8pm ET or  5pm PT for your chance to win some amazing prizes. 
Check out the hashtag #heartparenting 

 So remember purchase the book between April 29 and May 5 to receive the the Bonus Parenting Package valued at $400...for FREE!!
It's available here at

Here are some free printables inspired by The Christian Parenting Handbook.


nanny said...

Thanks so much for helping us get the word out. This book is packed with so many practical ideas that parents are going to find helpful. One of my favorite chapters is Tasks - Problems - Conflict. Helping us as parents move problems down to tasks instead of allowing them to escalate into conflict. Don't we all need that!! Thanks for joining us!

Scott said...

I like these printables. Is there any way we can get the "If it's broken..." one up in our media tools on this page: www.christianparentinghandbook.com? Thanks for sharing the word with others. I love your blog. --Scott Turansky

Unknown said...

The heart-based approach to parenting developed in this book has been revolutionary in my life. It’s helped me as a father, husband, leader, supervisor, coach, and in other areas. Behavior modification is effective if your only desire is to get your children to act a certain way. If you want to shape their character, you need to work on the level of the heart. My sons are both adults now and they are fine young men of good character. We consistently focused on the character quality of honoring others in our family! We returned home from vacation in December to find our whole house cleaned and a Christmas tree in place in the corner of the living room. Now that’s honor! This is just one example of the great insights from this special book. Every parent should have this book on their bookshelf or on their Kindle!

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